From treatable traits to GETomics in airway disease: moving towards clinical practice
- Papi, Alberto, Faner, Rosa, Pavord, Ian, Baraldi, Federico, McDonald, Vanessa M., Thomas, Mike, Miravitlles, Marc, Roche, Nicholas, Agusti, Alvar
Treatable traits models of care
- Mcdonald, Vanessa M., Holland, Anne E.
Fully integrating pathophysiological insights in COPD: an updated working disease model to broaden therapeutic vision
- Walters, E. Haydn, Shukla, Shakti D., Mahmood, Malik Q., Ward, Chris
Treatable Traits That Predict Health Status and Treatment Response in Airway Disease
- Hiles, Sarah A., Gibson, Peter G., Agusti, Alvar, McDonald, Vanessa M.
Disease burden of eosinophilic airway disease: Comparing severe asthma, COPD and asthma-COPD overlap
- Hiles, Sarah A., Gibson, Peter G., McDonald, Vanessa M.
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